Blue Dragon's support is highly responsive to the needs of each child. Instead of offering a ‘one size fits all’ program, we tailor our services according to need. Blue Dragon’s team of Street Outreach Workers - some of whom are former street kids themselves - are on the streets day and night looking to meet homeless children and offer immediate help.

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Poverty and lack of opportunity lead children to migrate from the countryside to big cities. Once there, unable to find work or a safe place to stay, many end up sleeping rough on the streets, where they are at the mercy of gangs and at risk of human trafficking, forced labour and sexual exploitation.

To respond to these threats both abroad and within Vietnam, Blue Dragon has continued to expand our prevention initiatives and adapt our care services to ensure everyone we assist has a chance to heal and thrive. Over the last 20 years, we have reached over 40,000 people, bringing closer our mission of ending human trafficking.

In 2024, Blue Dragon has rescued 329 men, women and children from human trafficking in six countries, and helped 401 children living on the streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Among the children Blue Dragon assisted on the streets over the last year, 60% of these children indicated that they had been victims of child labour or human trafficking. This has prompted Blue Dragon to develop a Hanoi-based ‘early warning system.

This method trains children to avoid exploitation and equips street working people, such as motorbike taxi drivers and street vendors, to act as first responders capable of identifying, educating and reporting children in need to Blue Dragon or authorities.