Shree sheti devi school is one of the lower secondary school located in simthali VDC, kavrepalanchowk, Nepal. It was founded in 2048B.C. with the help of community to lead the light of education for their children.
With the goals of providing quality education in this rural area indreni has supported this school project. This school is 5 hours driving from Kathmandu.
The devastating earthquake of 25 April has completely destroyed the school and the children of this area were abandoning from getting the education. Education plays a vital role in developing an individual, society and the nation as a whole.
The social problems existing in Nepal occur because most of the citizens are unable to send their children to school due to extreme poverty. They are poor because they have no education and awareness which is much more than the Education itself.
The Nepalese society is a complex structure based on primitive social beliefs, culture, superstition and conservative mind. Besides poverty, geographical condition play vital role for not going school. Because children had to go school by walking for long distance.
To ensure that every child of the local community has the right to quality education so that they can be the good citizen and responsible person in the future. We think that children should deprive from their child rights.
One of the main objectives of this project is to take care of orphans and marginalized children who need help and support for intellectual growth and development. To make every children from that village capable in every field through the quality education.
Study of the project
Identifying the poor and less privileged children deprived of education because the devastating earthquake has completely this school project and they are deprived from education.
We have been on that school and we realised that this school should maintain as soon as possible otherwise the children will be deprived from the light of education.
The society is lying in a rural part of networked system in where many subjects participate and relate. And if one aspect gets imbalanced the whole system gets affected. In the context of Nepalese society, the main problem is not just the poverty but lack of education and awareness.
There is poor road system and as well there is lack of transportation facilities. Due to that many children come to school by walking 2 to 3 hour from a long distance.
Government and no people’s eyes have been reached there so this sector needs a lot of help and support. The people in rural areas of Nepal believe that they must give birth too many children to involve them in performing many household works, farming and animal husbandry. Also they believe that they become economically secured with many children.
In this way, we see the problem in the streets of the city area but the root cause of the problems rises from the tiny family in the villages and somewhere in the city areas too which could be change through the help we provide.
Project implementation
We have discussed with the management team of this school. We will contract with the concerned party and submit all the implementation process to concern organization of Nepal government.
We will co-ordinate with the local contract and make a construction management team with the help of school management committee member, Indreni management team and contractor.
We will look all the structural plan and survery from the engineer and start the work that will help us to provide all the progress report of that school building.
If we complete this project 150 children who are deprived from getting education will get chance to have good education.
The children will get golden chance to be educated. They will be responsible to nation.
They will change their society dramatically and automatically the condition of the village will be developed and it will be great help for the country and their community.
Beside this if we could help the people who are conditionally in the poor condition; they could have opportunity to develop their better life styles.
Evaluation and Monitoring
The management committees will do regular internal evaluation and monitoring this school project as well as concerned organization VDC and DEF (District Education office) do internal evaluation time to time according to education convent and earthquake resistant school.
Indreni do regular evaluation and monitoring program in every year. Indreni will prepare overall report of the organization which makes us easy to run our organization smoothly.
By this monitoring and evaluation of Indreni, school management committees so that they can take proper care of the school. We would like to inform you that one building from simthali school project had been supported by friends of indreni USA.
Report Writing
We make progress report in each one or two month and submitted to the concerned parties, sponsor, donor.
We make school construction progress report. This is one time project of Indreni children home.
So after finishing this project the school management team will be responsible for all the maintenance of this project. Indreni will hand over this project to seti devi school management committee.