About The Project
Since its humble beginnings in 2003, Blue Dragon has emerged as a formidable catalyst for positive change on the streets of Vietnam. Operating in bustling urban centers and impoverished rural areas, the organization is dedicated to offering children and families in crisis the opportunity to break free from the cycle of poverty. Blue Dragon focuses on delivering practical solutions to the everyday challenges that perpetuate poverty, empowering individuals to build brighter futures.
Every Tuesday and Friday, Blue Dragon organizes football activities for 50 street children and youth aged 10 to 18. This initiative provides a unique opportunity for these young individuals to engage in the transformative power of football. In a safe and nurturing environment, they learn essential skills while cultivating values such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. With three hours dedicated to each session, the program serves as a consistent outlet for physical fitness, confidence-building, and building meaningful relationships with peers and social workers.
At the end of each year, two football events are organized, featuring friendly matches and opportunities for the young participants to showcase their talents. The support from Help for Hope will contribute to the success of these events by providing snacks, drinks, and fun prizes such as football cups, enhancing the overall experience for the children and youth involved.
Furthermore, the Blue Dragon Running Club, founded on July 14, 2020, creates a community for homeless children and survivors of human trafficking and exploitation. With an average of 70 participants annually, aged 8 to 18, the club fosters solidarity, trust, and skill development among its members. The program includes running practices, psychological counseling, health checks, life skills, and leadership development.
The Running Club provides necessary running gear for every member, including trail running shoes, windbreaker jackets, and flags. Small groups of 16-17 participants meet once or twice a week, with additional support to participate in external races. Thanks to Help for Hope, three hill running training trips are organized annually to prepare the young runners for competitions.
Members of the Running Club receive nutritional support throughout the year, including meals, snacks, and drinks during and after practices. This sustained assistance ensures the overall well-being and health of the participants.
With these, Blue Dragon is seeking your support the rental of football fields, purchase uniforms for players, and cover the costs of organizing the two annual football events.
By supporting Blue Dragon’s Football and Running Club initiatives, you will contribute to the physical, mental, and emotional development of disadvantaged youth, providing them with opportunities for growth, camaraderie, and a brighter future.
Make a donation here:
Help for Hope Joins Blue Dragon in a Three-Year Initiative for Youth Empowerment Through Sports
This project is done in memory of Mme Ruth Wickenhauser whose wish was to fund a project in Vietnam for children in need.
With assistance from Help for Hope, in 2023 Blue Dragon’s running activities have had a significant impact on children and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, including young people who were once homeless or have experienced human trafficking and exploitation. Sports engagement activities such as running and playing football provide a strong connection, allowing these young people to feel secure, engage in play, and gradually build trust with our social workers to open and express themselves.
As we continue to maximize the effectiveness of the 2023 project, Blue Dragon invites Help for Hope to support the operation of the Blue Dragon Running Club and Football Activity for the next three years, starting from July 2024 to June 2027.
This support will ensure sustainable continuity for these innovative initiatives that help young people build bright futures. Specifically, your donation would enable over 120 street children and survivors of human trafficking to participate in these sports activities every year, building their confidence and life skills for a better future.
Every Tuesday and Friday, Blue Dragon hosts football activities for a total of 50 street children and youth aged 10 to 18, providing them with a wonderful opportunity to engage in the sport.
Understanding the transformative power of football, we create a safe and nurturing environment where these young people can come together and experience the joy of playing the game. These activities teach young people essential football skills while cultivating important values like teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.
By dedicating three hours per week to this activity, children and youth have a consistent and reliable outlet for physical fitness, confidence-building, and forming meaningful relationships with their peers and Blue Dragon’s social workers.
At the end of the year, two football events are organised. The events feature friendly matches and plenty of opportunities for young people to showcase the talents cultivated throughout the year-long practice. The contribution of Help for Hope can provide snacks, drinks, and fun prizes such as football cups, boosting the success of the event and encouraging these young people.
Budget Summary for Blue Dragon Sports and Running Club Activities
This budget outlines the financial requirements for the Blue Dragon Football and Running Club activities. The total annual budget is $10,226, and the total project budget for three years is $30,678. Here’s a breakdown of the expenses:
Blue Dragon Football Activity:
- Field Rent:
- Unit Cost: VND 4,800,000/month
- Quantity: 12 months
- Total Project Budget: VND 57,600,000
- Total Budget (USD): $2,504
- Uniforms:
- Unit Cost: VND 200,000/set
- Quantity: 50 sets
- Total Project Budget: VND 10,000,000
- Total Budget (USD): $435
- Parking Fee at the Field:
- Unit Cost: VND 1,350,000/month
- Quantity: 12 months
- Total Project Budget: VND 16,200,000
- Total Budget (USD): $704
- Football Event:
- Unit Cost: VND 2,500,000/event
- Quantity: 2 events
- Total Project Budget: VND 5,000,000
- Total Budget (USD): $217
Blue Dragon Running Club:
- Running Gear for Kids:
- Windbreaker Jacket: VND 250,000/jacket (60 jackets)
- Trail Running Shoes: VND 1,250,000/pair (60 pairs)
- Flags 60×20 cm: VND 80,000/flag (30 flags)
- Total Project Budget: VND 92,400,000
- Total Budget (USD): $4,017
- Nutrition Support for Children:
- Unit Cost: VND 2,000,000/month
- Quantity: 12 months
- Total Project Budget: VND 24,000,000
- Total Budget (USD): $1,043
- Hill Running Training:
- Total Trip Cost: VND 10,000,000/trip (3 trips)
- Total Project Budget: VND 30,000,000
- Total Budget (USD): $1,304
Total Annual Budget: $10,226
Total Project Budget (3 Years): $30,678
Note: All costs are provided in Vietnamese Dong (VND) and US Dollars (USD).
Étoile de Romain: "Pour que l'étoile de Romain continue à illuminer la vie des enfants dans le besoins"
En mémoire de Romain, Help for Hope dédie ce sous-projet à son honneur.
Pour que son étoile continue à illuminer la vie des enfants dans le besoin.
Ce projet consiste à faire un don au projet Blue Dragon Runners Club afin que tous ses membres puissent aller à l’école, bénéficier d’un soutien de santé et voir leurs besoins fondamentaux couverts.
A propos de Blue Dragon:
Depuis ses humbles débuts en 2003, Blue Dragon est devenu un formidable catalyseur de changement positif dans les rues du Viêt Nam. Opérant dans des centres urbains animés et des zones rurales appauvries, l’organisation se consacre à offrir aux enfants et aux familles en crise la possibilité de sortir du cycle de la pauvreté. Blue Dragon s’efforce d’apporter des solutions pratiques aux problèmes quotidiens qui perpétuent la pauvreté, en donnant aux individus les moyens de se construire un avenir meilleur.
Avec l’aide de Help for Hope, en 2023, les activités de course à pied de Blue Dragon ont eu un impact significatif sur les enfants et les jeunes issus de milieux défavorisés, y compris les jeunes qui ont été sans abri ou qui ont été victimes de la traite et de l’exploitation des êtres humains. Les activités sportives telles que la course à pied et le football créent un lien fort, permettant à ces jeunes de se sentir en sécurité, de jouer et d’établir progressivement une relation de confiance avec nos travailleurs sociaux afin de s’ouvrir et de s’exprimer.
Meci pour votre donation.
Chemin de Mallieu 15
1009 Pully
IBAN (e-banking format):
IBAN (standard format):
IBAN CH42 00767 000K 5116 5422
Bank address:
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Clearing National:
Votre don peut apporter de l'espoir aux enfants du Viêt Nam
À l’âge de trois ans, Luc vivait dans la rue avec sa mère et son frère âgé d’un an. Ils mendiaient de l’argent pour survivre, mais le simple fait d’arriver au lendemain était un combat.
La pauvreté a été un fardeau récurrent pendant les dix premières années de la vie de Luc. Ses parents n’ayant pas de revenus fiables, le simple fait de le nourrir, lui et ses frères et sœurs, était presque impossible.
Comme Luc n’avait pas les documents nécessaires pour aller à l’école, il était peu probable qu’il échappe un jour au cycle de la pauvreté.
Dragon Bleu est intervenu lorsque Luc s’est retrouvé à la rue pour la deuxième fois de sa courte vie. Travaillant tard dans la nuit pour vendre des bonbons aux passants, Luc était épuisé.
Grâce à la générosité de nos donateurs, Luc a enfin eu un endroit sûr où rester et de la nourriture dans son ventre. On l’a également aidé à s’inscrire à l’école de son quartier.
Avec un endroit où il peut se sentir chez lui, Luc est comme un nouveau garçon. Chaque nuit, il passe une bonne nuit de sommeil. Chaque jour, il mange des repas nourrissants. Aujourd’hui âgé de 11 ans, il est visiblement en meilleure santé, plus actif et plus énergique. Au lieu de redouter le lendemain, Luc a retrouvé le goût de vivre.
Il est enthousiaste à l’idée d’apprendre. Qu’il s’agisse de courir, de nager, de danser ou de jouer du piano, il n’y a pas une activité que Luc n’ait envie d’essayer.
Voici ce qu’il dit lui-même : “Venir à Blue Dragon, c’est tellement amusant ! Je mange bien, tout a bon goût. Je dors bien. Et je vais à l’école à l’heure. Je suis très heureux.
Chaque enfant doit pouvoir dormir en toute sécurité et en toute sérénité la nuit, en sachant qu’il y aura des repas nutritifs pour lui le lendemain. Chaque enfant doit savoir ce que l’on ressent lorsqu’on est chez soi. D’appartenir à un groupe. Chaque enfant devrait savoir ce que c’est que d’être un enfant.
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