Team La Côte Runners
The Team La Côte Runners: highly motivated junior and adult athletes who are passionate about running for a cause.
The training sessions take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Morges from 18:30 to 19:30. During these sessions, the 4 coaches, Stéphane Gendre, Bruno Albuquerque, Clarisse Jeckelmann and Sylvie Rapp, propose exercises on speed, resistance and endurance.
The team defends the colors of the association Help for Hope at each of its competitions all around Switzerland and Europe, by wearing very proudly the logo on their very colorful and energizing attire.
The team not only engages all year round on competitions and trainings but also engages in donating for children in need through their yearly fund raising events.
Thank you La Côte Runners for being part of the journey with us!